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How do I delete my account? (2 minute read)
Updated over 2 months ago

If you wish to permanently delete your Kanpla account, you can do so directly through your Kanpla profile. Please note that deleting your account is different from removing an active user in your account or deleting multiple salesplaces associated with the account.

Before deleting your account, we recommend the following:

Request a payout if you have any remaining balance in your account.
To do this:

  1. Click on your profile icon.

  2. Navigate to 'My account'

  3. Press 'Request Payout'

Check for any future orders that you still want to be delivered.

If there are any, please wait to delete your account until after the orders have been fulfilled. Here's how to find your orders: Where can I see my order confirmation? (2 minute read)

To delete your account:

  1. Click on your profile icon.

  2. Scroll down to My account.

  3. Select Delete account.

  4. Follow the steps to complete the deletion.

After completing these steps, your account will be permanently deleted

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